Saturday, May 30, 2009

60 and sunny

hey folks.

so i am starting to notice that people REALLY watch us. i was talking to a fellow driver yesterday and he started talking about his views of Mormon kids. he worked in skagway last year and started talking about his view of them. people don't watch other religion's people, i don't feel, but they do watch us. we are under SO much scrutiny because we claim to be different. we have so much to live up to. and really, if we're purporting to be different, we had better BE different.

so many opportunities to share the gospel up here! i obviously can't talk about it on the coach, but with other drivers and in non-work settings, i'm all over it. it's fun to be able to get involved in missionary work in the branch. i am now an activities committee co-chair, so i've started working with the missionaries on integration and stuff. as a missionary, i always thought it took so much effort to integrate investigators and all that, and frankly, for a missionary it really is quite overwhelming, with a lot of investigators. but if members just take initiative with that, they can really do some awesome damage in the missionary work (and by "damage," i mean help).

so singing is TOTALLY the way to go for tips. oh man, people soak it up. it's really fun to figure out what works for you and your personality, in light of the type of group you have. it's almost like a game for me. it's really pretty fun to see what they're like and what they like.

so i may be heading out on the highway tomorrow, meaning that i would be taking 4 or 5 day-long trips, which would totally be cool. however, the bad thing is that if i were to get trained on this trip, any time i did it, i would be out of town on sundays. there is a branch down there, so hopefully i'd be able to go there. i requested that if they put me on that tour, i be in town at least every other week.

so, no girls up here thus far. i know a lot of you are wondering about my alaska flings, but i haven't had any, and thus far, nothing is in order for one. just no one with whom i mesh, you know? one of my driver friends told me to lower my standards, but i know that if i did that, and then got into a relationship, i wouldn't at all feel fulfilled in that, and that would suck.

i spoke in church on sunday on "study diligently," from President Monson's Priesthood session talk. it was a really fun talk to prepare. i didn't feel like my delivery was as good as it usually is. i think that was because i was offering so much advice or counsel that i didn't want to come off preachy, so i may have backed off a little more than i should have. oh well.

that's all for now. later.


Erin M. said...

I love that you sing for tips. That makes my day.

SamYam said...

I would be your Alaskan fling. I would be your Asian fling. I would be your Canadian fling. I would even be your American fling.