Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Monday, June 1st

Monday, June 1st

Rather enjoyable day today!

Yesterday I met some Brasilians at church and they invited me over to their hourse for a churrasco (Brasilian barbecue. I just realized I wrote about this yesterday. Oops.). After a chill morning of planning the rest of my time here, I took off to the area where we would have the churrasco. It was out in the Wimbledon area, which is absolutely GORGEOUS. It reminded me a whole lot of Indian Hill, actually, for all y'all Cincinnatians out there. For those not from Cincinnati, it was heavily forested and had large, luscious homes. It was such a fantastic place. It was a bit removed from the city and felt like a legitimate suburb. It was SO incredibly green and gorgeous. I loved it. It was a bit of a culture shock for me. On one hand, I was in London, doing the whole England thing; but on the other, I was hanging out with Brasilians, doing Brasilian things, like churrascando and speaking Portuguese. It was pretty funny.

Anyway, it was really fun to be with Brasilians, as always. They're such a good time. I even love just talking with them. They're so warm and welcoming. I am so happy I got to know that culture on my mission. They will forever bless my life through their example.

After the churrasco, I headed over to meet friends Emilie, Haley, and Chris to see “Legally Blonde, the Musical.” It was SO much fun! A bit irreverent at times, but it was just a blast overall. The stage totally exploded with energy any time they opened their mouths! And absolute blast. I loved it! I mean, it's not my favorite musical, and I probably don't need to see it again, but I still liked it quite a bit. The first act was a lot of light-heartedness and I actually was starting to get a little tired of it, but the second act got some more grounding and the show totally worked. And I laughed my pants off. It was ridiculous. We had a really good time.

Fun day.

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