Sunday, July 5, 2009

75 degrees, sunny, with a forest fire haze

I’m back after a longer hiatus than I would have liked it to have been, due to my first highway tour, followed by a bunch of city stuff, during which I was really tired.

Anyway, the name of this blog is loganbraindumps, right? So, we’re using the verb interpretation of that (as opposed to the adjective interpretation) and are going to explore something here that I’ve been thinking over in the past few days.

It’s the following: we are to develop a close, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, both as, and in order to come unto Him. My dilemma is that I develop relationships with people by interacting with them and talking with them. Now I believe that we can partially come to know Christ on a personal level by taking part in His Atonement, but I believe there are more sides to Him than just His Atonement. I know we can study His life and His teachings, but even still, I think that won’t take us far enough. That’s like saying we can study the life and writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and thereon build a relationship with him—it just doesn’t work like that. Now, we are given the Spirit to lead and guide us unto Christ, etc, and we pray in the name of Christ, but I feel like that is one of the only times we are really interacting with Him directly. When we pray, we pray to the Father and interact with Him, but merely go through Christ, as he is the intermediator. When we are repenting, we are feeling his power, but not that is only one side of Him—not the whole Him.

So there’s the conundrum that’s in my head. My one possible solution is that when we pray, we are to by guided by the Holy Ghost, and if we are in tune with the Holy Ghost and follow His promptings, we will pray for those things that He desires for us to receive. I believe we can come to know someone fairly well simply by coming to know their desires.

So there is one way I believe we can come to know Christ on a much more personal level. I think there are other, better ways to do it, but I just don’t know them. I want to hear your thoughts on this one. Go ahead and post, correcting, answering, or building up anything I’ve propounded here. Thanks!


logues85 said...

i was chatting with melanie tonight and this is what she siad:
have you read the blog i posted last night?
Melanie: yeah, good stuff
2:29 AM me: good stuff to which- the blog or sam and ray?
Melanie: ha. BOTH
me: right
so what are your thoughts on the blog?
2:30 AM it's a pretty pressing matter in my mind right now and i'm having a hard time figuring it out
2:31 AM Melanie: i don't know. i don't feel like the emerson parallel is as applicable because christ is living, and is all around us
me: ok
2:32 AM Christ is all around us or evidence of Christ is all around us?
i know that he's real
and that he lives
that he died for me
Melanie: both. and i know you know that. i didn't mean to suggest you didn't. i feel like loving His creation (our brothers and sisters)
me: but i don't know HIM
Melanie: i think you do
2:33 AM i think that loving people, you get to see bits and pieces of Christ, because we all have Him in us
me: and that's the dilemma
but by my loving others, i don't get to know His personality
Melanie: I can't remember the scriptural reference, but Les Mis says it pretty well with "to love another person is to see the face of God"
2:34 AM me: His idiosycrasies
right, and i totally agree
Melanie: and since Christ and God are so one in purpose...
me: but surely they have different personalities
Melanie: so you don't know Christ because you don't know His idiosycrasies?
2:35 AM me: to me, that's like saying that president uchtdorf and monson are so one in purpose that if you know one, you know the other
Melanie: you know that the only time he loses his temper is when people defile his house, you know that he loves kids
me: ummmm.....ish
Melanie: you know that he likes wood working
i'm not trying to sound sacrilegious
2:36 AM me: haha
Melanie: you know he asks his friends favors to take care of His mom
me: yeah, but like I say in my blog, i need to TALK to someone to get to know them and build a REAL relationship with them
when can i have one-on-one time with Christ?
that's my question
2:37 AM Melanie: well, His work and glory is you, and bringing to pass your eternal life
so he already is invested in you
do you think you have a personal relationship with the holy ghost
or are you worried about that too?
2:38 AM me: no, i do have a personal relationship with the HG
it's not as developed as i would like it to be, but i see ways that i can further develop it
2:39 AM i can't decide if the holy ghost has a personality or not
Melanie: i think he does
me: i think he just works as the messenger and revelator
do you not think he communicates God's personality, since he is the messenger?
2:40 AM Melanie: i guess i always figured their personalities are pretty comparable
me: or do you think he works separately from God, simply doing the things God would do if He were in his position
forgot the quesiton mark on that one
i believe all three have separate and different personalities
2:41 AM same goals and abilities, but i think they are different people
Melanie: perhaps that is why we have the veil you know? if we personally knew god and jesus inside and out, enough to tell them apart entirely even though they are one in purpose and purity, then we wouldn't be here. we would be translated. there needs to be some sort of veil for faith to be faith
me: hmmmmm
now you're starting to stump me with that one

ITIHOA said...

I would say the true goal here is that we are actually intended to develop our close intimate relationship with the Father through Christ, and his teachings. I believe the common complication is the idea that Christ is the focal point of the relationship.

It is through his teaching that we develop a relationship with the Father. In that sense we draw closer to him, but that is the extent of the intention. We are commanded to only worship one God, God the Father, and while Jesus has attained God, and Father Status, we are to give the Glory to the Father our God, as we have been commanded.